While Labradoodles communicate best through adorable head tilts and expressive eyebrows, their body language can tell us a lot too. Your doodle uses their whole physical vocabulary – tail, ears, posture, eyes and more – to express their needs, feelings and reactions. Learn to “speak dog” by decoding these visual cues. Understanding your Labradoodle’s body language leads to a stronger bond and happier pooch.

Wagging Tail Translations
Most assume a wagging tail always signifies a friendly, happy dog. But tail wags can mean much more based on speed, direction and how high/low it’s held. Here’s what your Labradoodle is saying:
- Loose relaxed wag off to the sides = content and calm
- Broad wag at mid-height = happy and eager
- Quick wag high and stiff = alert and stimulated
- Tucked between legs wag = insecure or afraid
- Slow stiff wag = uncertainty
- Tiny rapid tremble = anxious or nervous
- Broad vigorous wag = overexcited
- Tight circular wag = potential aggression
Reading the full context around their tail language helps determine your doodle’s emotional state beyond just excited.
Ears: Mood Radar
As movable mood radars, your Labradoodle’s ears reveal a lot about how they’re feeling:
- Erect and forward = highly alert or curious
- Relaxed sideways = calm and content
- Flattened back = worried or anxious
- Perked up tilting forward = focused intently
- Pinned back tightly = potential aggression
See how those adorable ears rotate and shift to pick up cues and communicate inner states? Ears up and bright mean your Doodle is tuned in to their environment and ready to explore or engage.
Eye Contact and Gazes
Direct eye contact communicates confidence for dogs. Sustained gazing can signal a social bid or challenge. Note your Labradoodle’s glances:
- Soft eyes = relaxed and friendly
- Squinty “grin” = positive anticipation
- Wide eyed = curious or surprised
- Short glances away = polite deference
- Locked stare = potential threat/aggression
- Avoiding eyes = discomfort
- Whale eye (showing white) = uneasy
Blinking slowly while gazing at you sends affection. Looking away shows puppy-like appeasement. Follow their eyes for insight.
Face and Body Posture
Your Labradoodle’s overall face and body position reveals inner thoughts:
- Relaxed loose muscles = content and calm
- Wide alert eyes + tall erect stance = highly attentive
- Bowed down play pose = wants to play!
- Low wiggly body = feeling submissive
- Crouched stiff posture = fearful
- High rigid stance = dominant or challenging
- Lip licking or yawning = mild stress
The more tense or reserved the posture, the more uncertain, anxious or overwhelmed your doodle may feel. Keeping muscles loose equals a comfy, happy pup.
While sometimes subtle, your Labradoodle’s mouth and muzzle offer cues too:
- Relaxed parted mouth = calm and breathing naturally
- Wide panting = excitement or feeling warm
- Tense closed mouth = potential aggression
- Exposing front teeth = discomfort/threat
- Flews pushed forward = confidence
- Lips pulled back = signaling correction (warning)
- Bared teeth = feeling threatened/challenged
- Extended tongue = curiosity or feeling playful!
Understand mouth signs in combination with other body language. Teeth exposure paired with hard staring and rigidness signals serious issues.
Vocal Cues
Your Labradoodle’s barks, whimpers and vocal styling provide insight:
- Short sharp barks = alarms or alerts
- Extended barking = seeking attention, needs met
- Playful bow-wow-wow’s = inviting playtime!
- Low grumbles = uncertainty, suspicion
- Sustained whines = stress, needs comforting
- Growling = issuing correction/warning
- High pitched yelps = pain or surprise
Barking gets a bad rap but helps dogs communicate needs. Note the context to understand your doodle’s “talking.”
Putting it All Together
No single body language cue tells the whole story. Look at the full context – ears, eyes, tail, posture and vocals together – to decode your Labradoodle’s inner state and needs in any moment. With practice translating their physical vocabulary, you’ll deepen your bond and keep your doodle feeling safe and understood. Soon you’ll be fluently “speaking dog!”