Labradoodles are super smart dogs eager to learn, especially when you make training positive and rewarding. Whether teaching puppy basics or tackling unwanted adolescent behaviors, rule number one is being even more persistent than your headstrong Labradoodle! With time, consistency and praise, you’ll end up with a polite pooch you’re proud to have as a faithful companion.

Here are top tips for training your Labradoodle at any age into a polite, obedient pup guaranteed to impress. You’ll master all the cues for a well-mannered dog plus helpful guidance for common challenges like leash pulling, jumping up and more. Let’s get started!
Nailing Potty Training
Housebreaking is step one for every pup. Make it clear that outdoors is for potties only by following these steps:
- Take them out immediately after waking up, meals, playtime, and every 30-60 minutes at first. Praise the moment they go in the right spot. Treats help too! This reinforces the habit.
- Choose a consistent potty spot outside and use a cue word when they go like “Go potty.” This connects the command with the action for when you want them to go on command.
- Confine in a crate when you can’t actively supervise to avoid indoor accidents. Expand freedom as their bladder control improves.
- Respond neutrally to any indoor mistakes – just clean thoroughly with enzymatic cleaner. No scolding after the fact.
Stay consistent, patient and positive! Your Lab will quickly pick up this essential life skill.
Mastering Basic Cues
Once housetraining is underway, start training important obedience cues like:
Sit – Hold a treat at their nose level and slowly move it overhead as you say “sit.” Praise and reward once their bottom hits the floor.
Stay – After a sit, say “stay”, take a few steps away, then return and reward. Gradually increase distance.
Come – Call their name happily and reward with praise or treats when they run over.
Down – Show the treat in your hand. Move it down towards the floor saying “down” until they lie down. Reward.
Leave it – Place a treat on the floor. When they go for it say “leave it!” and cover it with your hand. Repeat until they resist. Then reward.
Use mini training sessions daily, always ending on successes. Be more rewarding than the environment!
Loose Leash Walking
Labradoodles tend to pull on leash, but you can tackle this through positive methods. When they start to pull, immediately stop and call them back to your side. Reward when leash goes slack again. If needed, turn and change direction until they reorient to you. Stay patient – you determine the route! Reward voluntary check-ins.
You can also teach them to walk attentively near you without pulling. Use tasty treats to lure and reward as you walk. Phase out lures over time by rewarding at your side. Consistency using rewards, not physical corrections, is vital.
Preventing Jumps and Nips
Labradoodle pups are infamous for playful jumping and nipping. Curb these habits early by:
- Ignoring any jumping, rewarding four paw sits instead
- Saying “ouch!” for nips and stopping play. Praise gentleness.
- Redirecting to a chew toy when mouthy during petting
- Avoiding games of chase that spur nipping
Your firm but friendly consistency will convey that mouthing and jumping gets no rewards. Praise polite behavior and they’ll catch on fast.
Eliminate Excess Barking
Labradoodles bark as communication. Reduce excessive alarm barking by:
- Ensuring they get sufficient exercise and enrichment. Bored dogs bark more.
- Closing blinds to block outdoor views that can trigger territorial barking.
- Teaching “quiet” and rewarding silence.
- Providing distracting chews or food puzzles when left alone.
Determine what scenarios cause barking and manage the situation. Never yell or scold for barking, just calmly redirect their energy.
Curb Counter Surfing
Labradoodles turn into food thieves when left to self reward from counters. Stop this risky habit by:
- Keeping counters and tables totally clear of anything edible. Out of sight, out of mind.
- Teaching and rewarding an alternative like “go to bed” when they approach kitchen spaces.
- Using baby gates, exercise pens or crates to restrict access if needed.
- Saying “off” or “leave it” for counter interest and rewarding obedience.
Managing the environment so it’s not tempting will help the most. Ask everyone to avoid leaving food within paw’s reach.
Prevent Destructive Chewing
Chewing is normal dog behavior but directed chewing keeps furniture and shoes safe. Some tips:
- Provide ample outlets – sturdy chew toys, frozen Kongs and food puzzles to occupy them. Rotate new ones regularly.
- Crate train or confine unsupervised puppies. Freedom is earned.
- Exercise well to prevent boredom based chewing.
- Discourage chewing inappropriate items by swapping for an approved chew toy.
- Use bitter anti-chew sprays on furniture and valuable objects.
Meeting their needs with fun chews prevents your belongings from becoming casualties.
Patience and Consistency Are Key
Resist quick fixes like shock collars which can erode trust. Be the benevolent leader your Labradoodle needs. With plenty of positive reinforcement, you can train a loyal companion who aims to please. Channel their high intelligence into a wonderful dog who makes you smile each and every day. Teamwork leads to a quality relationship!